Top 10 Most Beautiful Roses In The World
4. Rhapsody In Blue

Rhapsody in blue is a stunningly colorful rose with a color of mauve and purple fade to slate blue. It’s a semi-double rose that form in large clusters. The beautiful Rhapsody in blue roses initially opens as a complete blue colored flowers. But gradually they fade into the slate blue. It is also a great cut flower and can be a better selection for display shows.
To plant the Rhapsody in blue, choose a location where there is moderate temperature and partial Sun. The plant will grow up to 1.2 meters in height. The colorful bloom will appear throughout the summer season.
Additional Info
Category : Shrub.
Flower color : Mauve and purple fade to slate blue.
Blooming : Throughout the summer.
Caring : Partial shade, moderate watering and pruning in summer.