Top 10 Most Beautiful Roses In The World

9. Michelangelo Rose


With the large buttery-yellow flowers, the Michelangelo rose has an excellent, old-fashioned look. Under normal conditions, its flowers open 5 inches across. In each bloom also has 40-45 petals. The Michelangelo rose also renowned for its intense lemony fragrance. It is a good choice for making bouquets.

To plant the Michelangelo rose, choose a location where it gets partial Sun. The plant grows up to 4 feet. Make sure it gets moderate watering. The beautiful, buttery-yellow blooms will appear from mid-spring to fall.

Additional Info

Class : Hybrid tea.
Flower type : Semi-double.
Flower color : Buttery-yellow.
Blooming season : Mid-spring to fall.
Caring : Need partial sun and moderate watering.